Monday, November 02, 2009

Marketing Your Own Services - Making Money From A Home Business

Network marketing was the first way of making money from that we looked at.

The second way of making money from home in the list of ‘Seven Ways to Make Money From Home’ (see below) is Marketing Your Own Services. This way of making money working from home is really for someone who just wants to make a little extra money although there are ways of building this into a lucrative business.

Basically this is charging people for doing something they haven’t the time, inclination or ability to do themselves. This might be because they’re too busy, or perhaps they are elderly or disabled in some way or they just don’t like doing it.

Can you offer a shopping service? Although most supermarkets offer a home delivery service not everyone is on the internet or don’t want to order on line. You could run a nice little home business doing this.

There are many people who hate ironing, mowing the lawn, weeding (but if you do this it is essential to know what is and isn’t a weed!), housework, the list is endless but by now you should have got the idea.

Any system of making money working from home has several ‘Must do’ actions.
You should get a small account book and note down everything you spend and everything you earn.

Make a list of all the services you will be happy to offer.

Work out what you would have to charge to make a reasonable profit. For example you might charge 10% of a shopping bill plus mileage costs or charge per item if you’ve chosen ironing as a service.

Design a business card with your name, address, ‘phone or mobile number and the services you offer.

Get a good answer phone to take messages when you are out. Most people won’t try your number twice if they don’t get through the first time.

Tell people what you are doing.

For more information email . If you really want to build a business you’re happy with which has the potential to make as money working from home as you want click on ‘Prospecting for Gold’ on the sidebar.

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