Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Survive The Recession And Grow

Listening to the news can be depressing. Terrorism and 'weapons of mass destruction' are no longer the main threat. Economic collapse worldwide is looming. Now is the time to act.
Two things to think about.

a)   When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
b)   Don't wait until you're up to your neck in alligators before you start draining the swamp. (Think about it.)
1)      Look for a money making opportunity. Why not start a business at home? If you can earn a second income it will be the first step in gaining financial freedom. Follow this plan to get started on the right road.
2)      Be positively optimistic. Making money at home is not impossible but if you have a negative approach you will never achieve anything.
3)      Do not mix with people who are negative. If they are members of your family so you can’t avoid them make it quite clear that being negative will not be tolerated. Let everyone else moan about how hard up they are now. You are going to do something about it.
4)      Being positive not letting your problems overwhelm you. It is not the same as ignoring the facts. So now you must make a complete breakdown of your financial situation. Sort them into a) Urgent (mortgage or rent, utility bills, Direct Debits, credit card or loan repayments, etc.). b) Important (living expenses, clothes, entertainment, etc.)  Can be postponed, reduced or cancelled (magazine subscriptions, club memberships, entertainments.)

5)      Now you need to look for money making business ideas and business opportunities. Everyone has some skill, information, experience or time that other people will be glad to pay for. So start thinking, start writing and work out just what you have to offer. Need help to develop your ideas? Visit http://showme-financialfreedom.co.uk/  and see how ‘Prospecting for Gold’ can take you step by step through the process of finding and developing your business niche as fast and as far as you want it to go.
Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Monday, May 14, 2012

Prospecting For Gold Part Three.

First of all read 'Prospecting For Gold' Parts One and Two..

Well, how does it sound to you? Are you ready to take the first step to finding your own pot of gold.

That first step wil bring you anything from extra spending money to your own small business or an entrepreneurial empire. The choice is yours.


Register for‘Prospecting for Gold’ NOW . (Instructions follow in 'Prospecting For Gold Part Three').

Email us at Gold@percydale.com with your name and address and we will send a Standing Order Mandate for you to download.

Complete all the details (and don’t forget to sign it) and take it to your Bank.

Your first manual and the three free gifts will then be sent to you by post.


There is a very good reason why we don’t include a download form now. Some people have a burst of enthusiasm when they read about some business opportunity. They download‘stuff’ then forget to take any action. We want to concentrate on people who are really keen to take action. They are more likely to be people who will make that extra effort to contact us, fill in the form and take it to their Bank.

Are youserious about making some extra cash working part time or full time and growing your own pot of gold?

P.S. Don’t Forget you can cancel a Standing Order any time by notifying your Bank or Building Society.

P.P.S. Don’t Forget! With Your First ‘Prospecting For Gold’ Manual you will also get these three valuable Bonuses:-

1 - Self Employment In 100 Ways

2 - How to Find £1,000 You Never Knew You Had

3 -Millionaire Mentality

P.P.S. Don’t Forget!

If you decide the course is not for you ….. just return the manual and we will refund your money immediately but the bonuses are yours to keep.

To take advantage of this offer ........ Email Gold@percydale.com for your Standing Order Mandate for £27.

Remember that you can end your subscription at any time by notifying your Bank in writing and cancelling your Standing Order.

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Prospecting For Gold Part Two

(Read 'Prospecting For Gold Part One' first - then -) Start ‘Prospecting For Gold’ Now!

How does our system work? Each month you will get a manual showing your own personal plan of action.

There will be practical suggestions as well as helpful information on the many different opportunities that are available. Some will give you an immediate income others will be more long term. But they will all be practical.

And there are also places in the manual for you to make a note of the progress you have made that month. At any time you can email us with questions or comments which will receive prompt attention.

Plus you will also receive Three valuable bonuses to help you on your way.

1 - Self Employment In 100 Ways. If you have no real idea of what sort of business you would like to have, or you feel like a change or you just want to see some other options then this book will be invaluable.

2 - How to Find £1,000 You Never Knew You Had. We would all like to find we had more money than we thought we had. Here’s how to find it!

3 - Millionaire Mentality. The best way to become a millionaire is to think like one. That’s not as easy as you’d think. Just look at the Lottery winners who find they aren’t as happy as they thought they’d be – because they aren’t thinking like millionaires – they’re thinking like people who can’t handle being rich.


You have our better than No Risk guarantee.

If you don’t want to continue to take advantage of ‘Prospecting For Gold’, you can return the manual and get a full refund immediately with no questions asked


the three bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide!

How much does this cost?

The answer is aridiculously low price of £27 per month in the UK payable by Standing Order - which means that at any time you can withdraw from the Course by contacting your Bank and cancelling the Order.

Register for‘Prospecting for Gold’ NOW . (Instructions follow in 'Prospecting For Gold Part Three').

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Prospecting For Gold Part One

Are you completely satisfied with where you are in life?
For most of us the answer is ‘No’.
So ask yourself - - -  What Do You Want? Really, Really Want?
(As the song puts it!)
More Time ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
To spend with your family and friends.
Or to travel to all those places you’ve heard about but never visited.
Or to take up a new hobby.
More Money ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
You couldn’t really do any of those extra things as often as you’d like without a lot more money.
So……  Wouldn’t You Like To Increase Your Income Dramatically
And………   Have All The Time To Enjoy It?
If you are already a multi-millionaire - or already have everything you want - you won’t be reading this. So I’ll assume you are like most of the rest of us and would like to make a lot more money and enjoy doing it.
That last bit is important.
Who wants to spend their time doing something they don’t enjoy?
Many people try to make millions and don’t succeed. The reason is they expect dramatic results yesterday if not sooner with hardly any effort on their part.
Or  They forget that thinking and planning what they are  going to do is NOT the same  as actually doing it.  In other words, they are so busy planning the trip they never start the journey. Then they complain because they haven’t got anywhere and blame it all on the map.
If you want to be successful you have to be methodical.
What you want is a plan of action –  And the determination to follow it through.
We have produced that plan for you called  ‘Prospecting For Gold’
This is a monthly programme that leads you step by step along the path to success.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a new entrepreneur or have been in business for a long time and want to try something new.
All that matters is that you are dissatisfied with where you are at the moment and want something more and better.
We can help you find that Something! Perhaps the thought of being a multi-millionaire – or even only a millionaire – seems highly improbable.
Perhaps all you want is enough cash in the Bank to be able to spend more time with your family, or on your hobby, or travelling or whatever. The principle is just the same. You take the same path to success but you stop when you have what you want. Or you can pause and take time out before carrying on with your journey.
Whatever your destination is you won’t get there until you have taken that first step.

'Prospecting For Gold Part Two' comes next.
Now Is The Time To Stop Dreaming And Begin The Journey.

'Prospecting For Gold Part Two' comes next.