Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why borrowing is not a good thing.

Far too many businesses are relying on large scale credit from the Bank. The days when credit was considered to be a short-term back-up have unfortunately gone.

This comes at a cost. What most people don’t realise is that all these amounts of debt and interest are paid by all of us – the consumers. The consequence of this is that everything we buy comes at a premium. Our cost of living would be a lot less if we weren’t financing the Banks by the back door.

Don’t be in a rush to borrow money to fund your project.

By borrowing money the economy is spiralling out of your control. Every business currently in debt to the Banks realises the truth. The deeper your debt the less control you have over your business. When there is a downturn in the economy you are limited in what you can do to survive it. Your debt is still hanging round your neck. You can’t get rid of it and the Banks stop lending so you can’t expand to cover the extra money you need to expand.

Result. Very, very hard times, catastrophic reduction of your available products possibly ending in bankruptcy.

The way forward is not expansion into larger and larger businesses. The stability of our future lies in the entrepreneurs who are prepared to start small and concentrate on building up finances and developing at a realistic speed according to what the market requires. A small business can change direction, alter marketing methods, etc. at speed. Overheads are more manageable. Economies can be without the dead weight of debt hanging overhead.

The person who has this control over the business is in a position to develop as far as he or she wants. The choice to remain as a small one-person or family affair or to develop to any level up to an international company is not controlled by the millstone of debt.

Successful entrepreneurs are willing to take on work that they normally wouldn’t consider to build up the finance they need to get started. They don’t spend time feathering the nests of bankers with great dollops of interest.

Once you are in the clutches of debt it is very difficult to extricate yourself but it can be done.

The ‘Show Me Financial Freedom – The Key to Success’ is a series of inexpensive Ebooklets available from Amazon which offer helpful suggestions on starting up small businesses with little or no outlay.

The first two are already available. These are ‘Easy Ways to Make Money From Car Boot Sales and Markets’ and ‘Twelve Easy Ways to Make Money With Your Camera’ both by Lesley Cooper.

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Friday, October 19, 2012

Redundant? Unemployed? Be your own Boss. Part two

Theodora has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom .

Yesterday it was all about looking on the bright side of being jobless. Today we’ll look at some of the obstacles you’ll face right at the start. Forewarned is forearmed.
The first and largest obstacle is your own state of mind. Which do you feel?
Despair? A sense of inferiority – that you are somehow lacking in something but you don’t’ know what?
Humiliation? Shame? The feeling that you will be looked down on by your family, friends and aquaintances? Uselessness? Anger?
The list of negative feelings is long and the more you dwell on them the longer it gets.
O.K. Take a couple of days to wallow a bit and get it out of your system then take yourself in hand and get started. You are now your own boss. You are your business. Are you going to accept failure?
Unfortunately a lot of people never get past the first step, hide in the comforting shade of Social Security and become too terrified to step out of it. The longer you rely on that prop the more difficult it is to step out of it and the more terrifying the outside world appears. The obstacles seem bigger the longer you look at them and you become smaller and more insignificant in your own eyes. So the sooner you get a grip and take the first step to independence the better.
More obstacles to look out for tomorrow. But don’t worry – the solutions are on the way.
In the meantime why not consider some suggestions for business start-ups in ‘Easy Ways to Make Money from Car Boot Sales and Markets’ and ‘Twelve Easy Ways to Make Money With Your Camera’ both by Lesley Cooper.   These short Ebooks are really inexpensive and are available to download from Amazon. They are part of the ‘Show Me Financial Freedom – The Key to Success’ series of short Ebooks which are designed to help readers find their own niches with suggestions for their development. More books are in preparation at the moment.
Please send all comments and questions to to ensure that you receive a quick reply.

In the meantime why not consider some suggestions for business start-ups in ‘Easy Ways to Make Money from Car Boot Sales and Markets’ and ‘Twelve Easy Ways to Make Money With Your Camera’ both by Lesley Cooper.   These short Ebooks are really inexpensive and are available to download from Amazon. They are part of the ‘Show Me Financial Freedom – The Key to Success’ series of short Ebooks which are designed to help readers find their own niches with suggestions for their development. More books are in preparation at the moment.

Please send all comments and questions to to ensure that you receive a quick reply.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Redundant? Unemployed? Could be the best thing that ever happened to you! Part one.

Theodora has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb visit Show Me Financial Freedom .

Redundant?  Unemployed? Could be the best thing that ever happened to you.
If you’re in that position at the moment it probably doesn’t feel like it. But think about it. When you had a job, even if you didn’t particularly like it, you felt a degree of security. You just had to trundle on and at the end of the week or the month you would be paid.
You didn’t have to think about how to fill in the time, there were set patterns for what you had to do. Even in a position where you needed to use      you were still operating under the umbrella of the organisation. Now, suddenly, you have time to do ------ what?
The answer is that you now have the time and opportunity to take risks and start taking complete responsibility for your life.
If you hadn’t been forced into this position would you have dared take the risk of giving up everything that felt safe and secure and start your own business?
It isn’t all that difficult once you get started although it does require hard work and commitment particularly in the early stages. The up-side is that the income is all yours. No-one can sack you. You can stay as a comfortable small business or develop and expand.
You decide on your priorities. You enjoy the fruits of your labour. You are your own boss.

Please send all comments and questions to to ensure that you receive a quick reply.

Read more tomorrow.

In the meantime why not consider some suggestions for business start-ups in ‘Easy Ways to Make Money from Car Boot Sales and Markets’ and ‘Twelve Easy Ways to Make Money With Your Camera’ both by Lesley Cooper.   These short Ebooks are really inexpensive and are available to download from Amazon. They are part of the ‘Show Me Financial Freedom – The Key to Success’ series of short Ebooks which are designed to help readers find their own niches with suggestions for their development. More books are in preparation at the moment.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Key to Success

Theodora has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

The world is in a sorry financial state at the moment. People are losing their jobs with poor prospects of finding new ones.

There is no need for anyone to be unemployed.

I can sense load squawks of horror! 'What does this idiot woman think she’s talking about?'

Everyone has some skills, qualities, ideas, experience or time that a lot of other people will be eager to pay for – when they know what it is and when and how they can find it. The trouble is that many of us don’t realise that we have anything worthwhile.

You’ve probably read that statement in my blogs before because it’s a point I can’t make often enough.

 O.K. So it’s not easy, but starting your own small business is very do-able.

Something else that you will have read before – being in an economic downturn is the ideal starting point for becoming your own boss.

Small businesses have lower overheads, fewer staff so less paperwork and expense and freedom to enjoy the fruits of your own labour – and nobody can sack you.

The key to success is to start NOW.

To sum up:-

Why Be Self Employed?

In order to enjoy your life you need two things:

Firstly you need enough freedom to be able to do whatever you want without worrying about money.

Secondly you need enough money to not have to work in a dead end job you hate just to get by.

Economic times are going to be very hard for a while and ~ there is no job security for anyone except the boss.

So now is the time for setting up your own business so that you are the boss who can’t be sacked. We’ve been warned that possibly for the next ten years times are going to be hard. Belts will have to be tightened and living standards will be lower than we have come to expect.

Bad times don’t last for ever. Things eventually get better.

When the economy – or anything else – is at the bottom, the only way is up.

While the majority of people sit back and complain, you can start something small that will grow with the economy.

Remember the entrepreneur’s adage. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Tough times don't last - tough people do!"

Money-making ventures started now will grow as things improve. The majority of large, successful businesses started small in times of recession or at least economic hardship. They were also started by ordinary, usually nearly penniless people who knew that they had to do something to survive with any degree of comfort.

 People who don’t desperately need money don’t usually have the burning passion needed to grow something big from something very small. So now is the time to say goodbye to stress, goodbye to deadlines, goodbye to coming home from work every night tired and depressed and start thinking.

Don’t scare yourself by thinking too big at the start. Being your own boss should be enjoyable so grow at your own pace.

Concentrate on the important things.

Visit Show Me Financial Freedom and look at the Business Opportunities page. I’ll be updating it regularly but for the moment I’d like you to look at two short Ebooks books in the “Show Me Financial Freedom – the Key to Success” series by Lesley Cooper available from Amazon.

The first is “Make Money From Car Boot Sales And Markets ~ The easy way to boost your income and build a successful business”

The second is “Twelve Easy Ways To Make Money With Your Camera - Tips on how to start a successful business as a photographer.”

These first two Ebooks in the series will give you some ideas to work on. Look for something in them that you enjoy doing. If there is nothing that lights your fire it won’t be long before more are prepared and uploaded.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Survive The Recession And Grow

Listening to the news can be depressing. Terrorism and 'weapons of mass destruction' are no longer the main threat. Economic collapse worldwide is looming. Now is the time to act.
Two things to think about.

a)   When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
b)   Don't wait until you're up to your neck in alligators before you start draining the swamp. (Think about it.)
1)      Look for a money making opportunity. Why not start a business at home? If you can earn a second income it will be the first step in gaining financial freedom. Follow this plan to get started on the right road.
2)      Be positively optimistic. Making money at home is not impossible but if you have a negative approach you will never achieve anything.
3)      Do not mix with people who are negative. If they are members of your family so you can’t avoid them make it quite clear that being negative will not be tolerated. Let everyone else moan about how hard up they are now. You are going to do something about it.
4)      Being positive not letting your problems overwhelm you. It is not the same as ignoring the facts. So now you must make a complete breakdown of your financial situation. Sort them into a) Urgent (mortgage or rent, utility bills, Direct Debits, credit card or loan repayments, etc.). b) Important (living expenses, clothes, entertainment, etc.)  Can be postponed, reduced or cancelled (magazine subscriptions, club memberships, entertainments.)

5)      Now you need to look for money making business ideas and business opportunities. Everyone has some skill, information, experience or time that other people will be glad to pay for. So start thinking, start writing and work out just what you have to offer. Need help to develop your ideas? Visit  and see how ‘Prospecting for Gold’ can take you step by step through the process of finding and developing your business niche as fast and as far as you want it to go.
Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Monday, May 14, 2012

Prospecting For Gold Part Three.

First of all read 'Prospecting For Gold' Parts One and Two..

Well, how does it sound to you? Are you ready to take the first step to finding your own pot of gold.

That first step wil bring you anything from extra spending money to your own small business or an entrepreneurial empire. The choice is yours.


Register for‘Prospecting for Gold’ NOW . (Instructions follow in 'Prospecting For Gold Part Three').

Email us at with your name and address and we will send a Standing Order Mandate for you to download.

Complete all the details (and don’t forget to sign it) and take it to your Bank.

Your first manual and the three free gifts will then be sent to you by post.


There is a very good reason why we don’t include a download form now. Some people have a burst of enthusiasm when they read about some business opportunity. They download‘stuff’ then forget to take any action. We want to concentrate on people who are really keen to take action. They are more likely to be people who will make that extra effort to contact us, fill in the form and take it to their Bank.

Are youserious about making some extra cash working part time or full time and growing your own pot of gold?

P.S. Don’t Forget you can cancel a Standing Order any time by notifying your Bank or Building Society.

P.P.S. Don’t Forget! With Your First ‘Prospecting For Gold’ Manual you will also get these three valuable Bonuses:-

1 - Self Employment In 100 Ways

2 - How to Find £1,000 You Never Knew You Had

3 -Millionaire Mentality

P.P.S. Don’t Forget!

If you decide the course is not for you ….. just return the manual and we will refund your money immediately but the bonuses are yours to keep.

To take advantage of this offer ........ Email for your Standing Order Mandate for £27.

Remember that you can end your subscription at any time by notifying your Bank in writing and cancelling your Standing Order.

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Prospecting For Gold Part Two

(Read 'Prospecting For Gold Part One' first - then -) Start ‘Prospecting For Gold’ Now!

How does our system work? Each month you will get a manual showing your own personal plan of action.

There will be practical suggestions as well as helpful information on the many different opportunities that are available. Some will give you an immediate income others will be more long term. But they will all be practical.

And there are also places in the manual for you to make a note of the progress you have made that month. At any time you can email us with questions or comments which will receive prompt attention.

Plus you will also receive Three valuable bonuses to help you on your way.

1 - Self Employment In 100 Ways. If you have no real idea of what sort of business you would like to have, or you feel like a change or you just want to see some other options then this book will be invaluable.

2 - How to Find £1,000 You Never Knew You Had. We would all like to find we had more money than we thought we had. Here’s how to find it!

3 - Millionaire Mentality. The best way to become a millionaire is to think like one. That’s not as easy as you’d think. Just look at the Lottery winners who find they aren’t as happy as they thought they’d be – because they aren’t thinking like millionaires – they’re thinking like people who can’t handle being rich.


You have our better than No Risk guarantee.

If you don’t want to continue to take advantage of ‘Prospecting For Gold’, you can return the manual and get a full refund immediately with no questions asked


the three bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide!

How much does this cost?

The answer is aridiculously low price of £27 per month in the UK payable by Standing Order - which means that at any time you can withdraw from the Course by contacting your Bank and cancelling the Order.

Register for‘Prospecting for Gold’ NOW . (Instructions follow in 'Prospecting For Gold Part Three').

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb Show Me Financial Freedom

Prospecting For Gold Part One

Are you completely satisfied with where you are in life?
For most of us the answer is ‘No’.
So ask yourself - - -  What Do You Want? Really, Really Want?
(As the song puts it!)
More Time ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
To spend with your family and friends.
Or to travel to all those places you’ve heard about but never visited.
Or to take up a new hobby.
More Money ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
You couldn’t really do any of those extra things as often as you’d like without a lot more money.
So……  Wouldn’t You Like To Increase Your Income Dramatically
And………   Have All The Time To Enjoy It?
If you are already a multi-millionaire - or already have everything you want - you won’t be reading this. So I’ll assume you are like most of the rest of us and would like to make a lot more money and enjoy doing it.
That last bit is important.
Who wants to spend their time doing something they don’t enjoy?
Many people try to make millions and don’t succeed. The reason is they expect dramatic results yesterday if not sooner with hardly any effort on their part.
Or  They forget that thinking and planning what they are  going to do is NOT the same  as actually doing it.  In other words, they are so busy planning the trip they never start the journey. Then they complain because they haven’t got anywhere and blame it all on the map.
If you want to be successful you have to be methodical.
What you want is a plan of action –  And the determination to follow it through.
We have produced that plan for you called  ‘Prospecting For Gold’
This is a monthly programme that leads you step by step along the path to success.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a new entrepreneur or have been in business for a long time and want to try something new.
All that matters is that you are dissatisfied with where you are at the moment and want something more and better.
We can help you find that Something! Perhaps the thought of being a multi-millionaire – or even only a millionaire – seems highly improbable.
Perhaps all you want is enough cash in the Bank to be able to spend more time with your family, or on your hobby, or travelling or whatever. The principle is just the same. You take the same path to success but you stop when you have what you want. Or you can pause and take time out before carrying on with your journey.
Whatever your destination is you won’t get there until you have taken that first step.

'Prospecting For Gold Part Two' comes next.
Now Is The Time To Stop Dreaming And Begin The Journey.

'Prospecting For Gold Part Two' comes next.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Don’t Be Caught Out By Extravagant Promises.

These are desperate times. And it is at times like these that people are tempted to try these schemes that cost anything from £5,000-£9,000. And there are enough of them about. What makes them really attractive is the promise that if you don’t make a profit in the first few months you will be refunded anything you’ve spent.

Sounds great doesn’t it? You can’t lose – until you read the small print on the acceptance document you receive when you’ve made your money.

Somewhere near the end of the letter will be a sentence pointing out that the cost of the course isn’t included in that promise. Only expenses accrued after the introductory course will be considered. Even if you have only made £1 profit you won’t be able to claim.

Perhaps you realise that the opportunity may not be as golden as it first appeared but there is a let-out clause. The seminars are usually two or three days long. The promise is that if you think the business is not for you as long as you back out by the afternoon you can reclaim the full fee.

Drawback! - The full details of what commitment is required in the way of time and cash are not always made clear on the first day. In fact negative points are not made until it is too late.

What the people who promote these courses don’t tell you is that they make their money from selling the course to hopefuls like us, not from following the course.

To my mind the promoters of these courses are guilty of mis-selling. Trading Standards agree but as most of the people in the department know nothing about internet business they aren’t interested in following it up.

It is because of these what I see as dodgy practices that I decided to put together the Prospecting For Gold programme.

Prospecting For Gold helps you to find and develop a full or part time business (the choice is yours) using only the time and money you have at your disposal. There are guidelines for getting started even if you have little time and no money. You are helped to find what skills, knowledge or experience you have that people will be anxious to buy or learn.

You will learn how to get people to pay you for what they want from you.

And the unique promise is that at any time you can stop using the course and restart it whenever you want at the place you left off. You don’t have to start again from the beginning. And of course you don’t make any payments when you are not taking the monthly manuals.

It doesn’t cost thousands or even hundreds. I can offer Prospecting For Gold for just £27 per month. (Outside the UK fees will be slightly higher related to the cost of postage.)

Theodora is has produced a programme to help new entrepreneurs find a business that suits them. It also will give existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to extend their businesses or find new financial mountains to climb. Visit .