Monday, November 02, 2009

Marketing Your Own Services - Making Money From A Home Business

Network marketing was the first way of making money from that we looked at.

The second way of making money from home in the list of ‘Seven Ways to Make Money From Home’ (see below) is Marketing Your Own Services. This way of making money working from home is really for someone who just wants to make a little extra money although there are ways of building this into a lucrative business.

Basically this is charging people for doing something they haven’t the time, inclination or ability to do themselves. This might be because they’re too busy, or perhaps they are elderly or disabled in some way or they just don’t like doing it.

Can you offer a shopping service? Although most supermarkets offer a home delivery service not everyone is on the internet or don’t want to order on line. You could run a nice little home business doing this.

There are many people who hate ironing, mowing the lawn, weeding (but if you do this it is essential to know what is and isn’t a weed!), housework, the list is endless but by now you should have got the idea.

Any system of making money working from home has several ‘Must do’ actions.
You should get a small account book and note down everything you spend and everything you earn.

Make a list of all the services you will be happy to offer.

Work out what you would have to charge to make a reasonable profit. For example you might charge 10% of a shopping bill plus mileage costs or charge per item if you’ve chosen ironing as a service.

Design a business card with your name, address, ‘phone or mobile number and the services you offer.

Get a good answer phone to take messages when you are out. Most people won’t try your number twice if they don’t get through the first time.

Tell people what you are doing.

For more information email . If you really want to build a business you’re happy with which has the potential to make as money working from home as you want click on ‘Prospecting for Gold’ on the sidebar.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Network Marketing Is Financed

Network marketing has all the benefits of a franchise with none of the expense involved in buying into a franchise.
Network marketing has all the advantages of owning a shop without the overheads.
A shopkeeper has to rent or buy business premises on which he has to pay rates, insurance, a large amount of stock or equipment, heating, lighting, telephone, water, etc.
A shopkeeper has to be in attendance at least 5 days a week for most days of the year for at least 8 hours a day. Or hire staff with the extra cost of wages, NI contributions, pension contributions and extra insurance.
All these expenses have to be paid for out of the income from the sale of goods or services.
Network marketing removes all this cost and you can be earning money from week one.
You sign up as an agent or distributor and pay a small sum which can be less than £100 for your starter equipment. All you order is what your customer has requested. They pay you the retail price you pay the company the wholesale price and keep the difference yourself. Bonuses are easily achievable on your volume of sales plus the volume of sales made by people you have recruited to join the scheme.
The company benefit by having a large number of outlets all over the country, sometimes even internationally without the expenses involved in having staff and premises etc. All the money they save goes to paying their agents.
These are not ‘get rich quick’ schemes. They are as good as you want them to be.
If you want more information about network marketing email your name, address and phone number to me at
Or if you're interested inconsidering other ways of making money from home look at 'Prospecting for Gold'.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Network Marketing – The Quickest Way to Make Money From Home

First of all let’s get one thing straight – Network Marketing has nothing to do with Pyramid selling, which is illegal.
You can start making money literally from day one. Providing you choose the right company. Don’t choose one which has a ‘niche’ quality. E.g. health products, water or air systems, burglar alarms. They will take longer to establish.
Perhaps the two best known companies are Kleeneze and Avon. Both sell items which are reasonably priced and which people want, need or use on a regular basis. Both companies are well run, easy to operate and give great scope for development.
The beauty of network marketing is that you can take it up as a profitable hobby, a part time business bringing in a respectable income, or you can work at it and build a network of people doing the same as you are which puts you in the high earner bracket.
If you’d like to know more about this type of business email your name, address and telephone number to .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seven Ways to Make Money From Home

There are seven basic ways to make money from home. Before making any decisions it is best to study them all to see which one feels most comfortable for you.
This doesn’t mean that only one way of making money from a home business is open to you. You start with the business that suits you best, and, if finances are an important issue, one which will provide an immediate income.
The seven ways of making money from home are :-
1. Network marketing.
2. Marketing your own services.
3. Marketing your own skills.
4. Marketing your own products.
5. Information marketing.
6. Internet marketing.
7. Affiliate marketing.
In future we’ll look at each of these in more detail but for those of you who want to get started quickly take a look at ‘Prospecting for Gold’, just click on the sidebar. Or you can drop a line to

Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise – and Be Your Own Boss

If you had three wishes what would they be?
What do you really want?
Some people say they’d like to be happy. Others want to be rich. Most people say they would like more time to spend with family and friends. Practically everybody wants to be free from worry and to be able to do all the things they don’t have the time or money to do now.
It’s worth while taking time out to sort out what you really want.
These are my suggestions.
a) I want to be happy. I therefore need enough money to keep me free from worry about getting the things I need. (Whoever says money doesn’t buy happiness hasn’t ever been really broke. It doesn’t but happiness, but lack of it can cause absolute misery. If I’m going to be miserable I’d rather be it in comfort.)

b) I want more time to spend with my family and friends and doing the things I want to do rather than spend my life working just to earn enough money to live on.

c) I want work that will allow me to choose when I work, how I work and that I enjoy. To do this you will need to be your own boss.
That sounds great! I’d love to be my own boss but I don’t have any spare cash to set up a business. And I can’t think of a business that I could start.
Worry not! Tomorrow I’ll start you off with ways to find out how you can set up your own business with little or no outlay.
Visit - or take a short cut by clicking on ‘Prospecting for Gold’ in the sidebar.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Ten Ways To Build A Customer List.

1. Preparation is 75% of the battle. Choose a niche subject which interests you and study the question and answer sections in relevant magazines. More information on readers’ problems is what they will pay for. So:-

2. The most obvious things is to find a product that a lot of people want. Notice want, not need. People will fulfil their wants rather than their needs. Buying something you want has the feel good factor.

3. Get to know your product. Come over as an expert by knowing what you’re talking about. Feel genuine enthusiasm.

4. Write a short Press Release about your product and email it to all the publications whose readers might be interested in your product. Don’t make false claims but make sure you note all the plus points. If you’re not sure how to write a good Press Release email for a Free leaflet.

5. Find clubs, organisations and web sites and write letters. Talk about what you know with fellow enthusiasts and you can’t go far wrong. Ask questions or request info from readers. Always include contact details. Replies will give you contact addresses of people who are actively interested in your chosen niche.

6. Contact secretaries of clubs with details to be put on notice boards or included in members’ newsletters. Offer special rates to people who order through them.

7. Put a brief advert in the classified sections of magazines and newspapers directing people to your web page for free information available via a squeeze page. Want to know more about squeeze pages? Email for free information.

8. If you make your promotion letters interesting to read then it’s not just people who share your interest that will be interested. Others readers will be intrigued and possible follow it up. This may sound odd but... people are interested in what’s interesting.

9. Have your product all ready to go as soon as you get the response you want. Have a follow-up product ready to promote in 2 to 4 weeks time.

10. Include a nice friendly letter thanking your customer for their custom. Possibly offer a desirable incentive gift in return for them recommending two addresses of people who might be interested in receiving information.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ten Things Real Entrepreneurs Know

Real entrepreneurs know that:-
1. You never stop learning.
2. Simple ideas can trigger massive results.
3. Life never stands still. It’s going up or going down. You choose which way it goes.
4. Doing nothing is never the answer to a problem.
5. Some people work hard to get to the top of the tree but even they reach it they will never achieve as much as if they had aimed for the stars but only got part of the way there.
6. Real entrepreneurs are always looking for new ideas.
7. It doesn’t matter how good your job is the only really successful person is the owner of the company. He is the only one who can’t be sacked.
8. If at first you don’t succeed the only failure is the person who doesn’t pick himself up, dust himself down and start all over again.
9. If at first you don’t succeed but keep on trying you will eventually achieve success.
10. Being a success is a habit you want to cultivate. It gets easier every time you achieve it.
Theodora Cochrane has been a successful entrepreneur for many years and is author of 'Prospecting for Gold' which is a business course designed to help budding entrepreneurs to take the first steps to success and to offer helpful suggestions to successful entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities to climb a few more mountains.
For more information click on "Prospecting for Gold" on the right sidebar or send your name and address to to